As the half-life of business strategies grows shorter in an increasingly VUCA landscape, an organisation’s capacity to change and transform becomes may be its only enduring advantage.
Yet, the research shows consistently that over 75% of all organisational change efforts are ineffective and under deliver on the benefits intended
We believe that the problems lie in the linear lockstep way that many organisations approach change.
Broadmarc provides a holistic and strategic approach to organisational change and enterprise wide transformation. Our approach understands and allows us to work with the complexities of organisational change holistically and our methods work on multiple elements incorporating;
Our approach ensures the key elements of successful transformation are aligned and considered together;
Often transformation efforts fail because these factors are not understood holistically resulting in change being derailed with;
Our approach mitigates against these derailers to successful change.
Key to supporting effective, sustained and impactful change within an organisation is through empowered behavioural change and alignment of people at all levels to embrace the learning potential, capacity for action and human sensibility. To fully appreciate the human and social capital of change success, Broadmarc’s systemic and adaptive methods provides advisory and operational services from research and assessment, change strategy to planning and implementation.
We have partnered with Change First (UK) holding accreditation in PCI (People-Centred Implementation PCI®) and use of e-change®. This provides us with a solid basis of research and an extensive online platform of change assessments, diagnostics and tools that enables us to apply our systemic change management methodology